Men's Health Awareness

Dear NBNA Members and Colleagues,

According to the Men’s Health Braintrust, American boys and men die earlier than women and at higher rates from many of the leading causes of death. Additionally, fewer men than women are likely to seek preventative care leading to poorer health outcomes. Poor health status, premature death and disability have been estimated to cost over $142 billion per year, adversely impacting, families, spouses and communities.

Each year in June, we celebrate Men’s Health Awareness to heighten the issues of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. This year the National Black Nurses Association Ad Hoc Committee on Men’s Health will be doing the following activities in recognition of Men’s Health Awareness:
  1. Men’s Health Moments. Each week in June we will post and email short summaries focusing on mental health topics among men. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to access these weekly educational postings . We will also have them uploaded to our national website (
    1. Facebook-National Black Nurses Association
    2. Instagram- @nbna_insta
    3. Twitter- @nbnainc
  2. Wear BLUE Day. On Friday, June 21, 2024 , we ask that you wear a shade of blue clothing and post a picture to your social media page with the suggested hashtags (#NBNA #WearBLUE #ShowUsYourBlue). We have included suggested messages to add to your post. Click HERE for those suggested messages. You may view a full social medial tool kit HERE. Additional information can be found at the following website
  3. Bow Tie Breakfast. On Saturday, August 6, 2022, we held a breakfast at the Hilton Chicago Hotel from 7:30am-11:30am during the 50th Annual NBNA Institute and Conference. This event served as an opportunity to bring together male community members, health professionals, and policy advocates interested in mental health disparities among Black men. We asked all breakfast and conference attendees to wear a bow tie (woman can wear one as well if they like) and a shade of blue clothing in recognition of men’s health awareness and the theme of the event. We were joined for this empowering discussion as we looked for ways to destigmatize mental health for Black Men! Click HERE for the photo gallery.
On Saturday, August 5, 2023, we held the 3rd annual breakfast at the Hilton Atlanta Hotel during the 51st Annual Institute and Conference. Click HERE for the photo gallery.

Thanks in advance for your participation!

Additional information on Men’s Health Awareness month can be found at

NBNA Ad Hoc Committee on Men’s Health