NBNA serves as the professional voice for over 200,000 African American registered nurses, licensed vocational/practical nurses, nursing students and retired nurses from the USA, Eastern Caribbean and Africa. Through our 115 chapters, we provide countless hours of community-based health care services.
The Conference is the best in state of the art continued education. Up to 17 CEs in 5 days are offered over the duration of the Annual Institute. Also offered: Career Fair for local job seekers; Exhibitor Hall showcasing schools of nursing, health systems and more; Scholarship Awards; Networking; and Fun.HOTEL LINK PROVIDED UPON REGISTRATION
About NBNA
The National Black Nurses Association is fortunate to have great nursing leaders among its leadership in a variety of areas. The summary below is just an example of the signature programs and activities that draw African American nurses to NBNA. These programs help NBNA members grow stronger as they seek to provide culturally competent health care services in our communities.
The National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) was organized in 1971 under the leadership of Dr. Lauranne Sams, former Dean and Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama.
NBNA Newsletter
The NBNA eNewsletter is published quarterly and posted on our website. It is filled with information on the membership and articles written by NBNA members, NBNA partners and sponsors on a variety of nursing and health issues. Themes have included public policy, aging and research.Read the latest Newsletter