Guidelines for Authors

The Journal of the National Black Nurses Association (JNBNA) is published twice a year (Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter). Manuscripts are considered on a continuing basis. Each manuscript is accepted with the understanding that it is to be published exclusively with JNBNA. Submission of the manuscript authorizes publication once approved for publication. No materials published in JNBNA may be reprinted or published elsewhere without permission of JNBNA. Please submit all manuscripts and questions by email to the editor:

Dr. Joyce Newman Giger
Editor, JNBNA

The abstract must be 150 words or less. The abstract should summarize the objectives, facts, and conclusions of the manuscript.

The manuscript must be submitted in Word 2007 or greater, double spaced, and size 12 font. The maximum word count is 15,000 or no more than 15 double-spaced pages. The word count includes references, tables, and appendices. The name of the article should appear on the first page of the manuscript. A separate cover should indicate the title of the article, name, address, position, institutions, and should only be on the cover page so that the manuscript may be reviewed confidentially. A 3-sentence bio must be included.

JNBNA utilizes the APA format. Authors should consult the current edition of the Manual of the American Psychological Association. These guidelines should be followed for all references and citations. References must be double spaced.

Editorial Process:
A blind review is conducted. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two consulting editors. JNBNA reserves the right to edit as needed, in accordance to space limitations and guidelines, in consultation with the author.

The following are the criteria which reviewers use in judging the work submitted and are rated on the scale of 1 to 5:

• Appropriateness of publication for JNBNA;
• Topic of focus;
• Relative importance of problems addressed;
• Adequacy of presentation (i.e. methodology/concept base, description of practice, etc); and
• Clarity of presentation (writing style, grammar, organization, conciseness, readability, etc.)

Reviewers list the strengths and weaknesses of the paper. Comments will be shared with authors upon request.