The JOURNAL OF NBNA is published twice yearly: Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter.
The JOURNAL is a professional Journal featuring articles relevant to Black health care; nursing practice and administration; education; research and consumer issues.
A one-year subscription is $150.00
Advertising rate for Journal:
Full Page: 7.25” x 9.25” - $1,500.00
½ Page: 7.25” x 4.5” - $ 750.00
¼ Page: 3.5” x 4.5” - $ 375.00
Ad Deadlines:
Fall/Winter - November 30
Spring/Summer - May 30
Live Screen: 130 or 150;
Live Image: 7.5 x 10.5
Trim: 8.5 x 11;
Bleed: ¼ inch