Editor of the Journal NBNA
Joyce Newman Giger, EdD, RN, CS, FAAN
Dr. Giger took over the helm of the Journal of the National Black Nurses Association (JNBNA) on July 1, 1999. Dr. Giger is currently the President at American University of Health Science in Signal Hill, California. She has served as the Associate Editor of the Journal of Nursing Science, a member of the editorial review board for the Journal of Advanced Nursing and an editorial review board member for the Health Care Supervisor.
In 1998, Dr. Giger was selected by the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing to attend a genetic workshop to develop strategies to disseminate genetic-based peer reviewed journal articles in nursing data bases. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing and is internationally renown for her work with people from biologically, racially, ethnically and culturally diverse populations. She has authored numerous articles, chapters and textbooks on strategies to enhance the provision of culturally appropriate care and has developed a model for assessing cultural phenomena relevant to the delivery of culturally appropriate care.
Dr. Giger's co-authored textbook, Transcultural Nursing: Assessment and Intervention, is included in the curricula of 200 schools of nursing nationwide and is now in its third edition.