West Alabama Chapter of BNA

West Alabama Chapter of the Black Nurses Association (184)
Dr. Betty Key, President
2945 Juniper Lane
Tuscaloosa, AL  35405
Chapter Email:  ebakey129@yahoo.com

Chapter Telephone:  (205) 242-9421
Chapter Dues (National and Local Dues)
Dues expires Dec. 31, 2023
Total RN Dues: $210.00
Total LPN/LVN/AM Dues: $150.00
Total Retiree Dues: $125.00
Total First Year Grad Dues: $175.00
Total Student Dues (unlicensed): $60.00
Students MUST forward directly to the chapter a letter on their school stationary, signed by Nursing Administration stating you are currently enrolled and that you do not have an LPN/LVN or RN License

   The Membership Retention and Growth Campaign is designed to RETAIN our most loyal members, ENCOURAGE prior members to return and ENTICE new members to join, i.e. by matching current members with a new or reclaimed member, so they both pay the new reduced dues for 2023.

National Lifetime Dues: $2,000.00 plus $50.00 for local dues.  After initial LT payment, dues is $50.00 each year to be a member in good standing.