Piedmont Black Nurses Association

Piedmont Black Nurses Association - Charlotte (181)
Tammy Woods, President..
PO Box 30394
Charlotte, NC 28230
Chapter Email:  piedmontblacknursesassociation@gmail.com
Chapter Telephone #: (704) 798-8236

Chapter Dues (National and Local Dues)
Dues expires Dec. 31, 2023
Total RN Dues: $210.00
Total LPN/LVN/AM Dues: $175.00
Total Retiree Dues: $150.000
Total First Year Grad Dues: $200.00
Total Student Dues (unlicensed): $85.00
Students MUST forward directly to the chapter a letter on their school stationary, signed by Nursing Administration stating you are currently enrolled and that you do not have an LPN/LVN or RN License

PLEASE NOTE:  The Membership Retention and Growth Campaign is designed to RETAIN our most loyal members, ENCOURAGE prior members to return and ENTICE new members to join for 2023.

National Lifetime Dues:
$2,000.00 plus $50.00 for local dues.  After initial LT payment, dues is $50.00 each year to be a member in good standing.