Approaching Careers

The Approaching Careers phase of this program is designed to encourage new nurses/ student nurses to learn and grow with the help of nurses who are experienced mentors within their own area of expertise.  The purpose  of this partnership is to foster development within the nursing community and enhance their  preceptor skills  as they engage in the mentorship process.


The experienced mentor will be a  source of support for new nurses/student nurses, and will be able available to answer questions, provide insight, and encourage involvement within the NBNA organization. This program is made possible due to the commitment of the association's officers, board members, and chapter presidents. 


The NBNA CMP Committee is responsible for matching a new nurse/student nurse with an involved and encouraging mentor and monitoring the success of the new nurse/student nurse-mentor partnership through confidential feedback.


If you are new tot he nursing profession or have a passion for introducing students tot he world of nursing, this phase is for you.  Click the link below to sign up as a mentor or mentee for the Approaching Careers phase of the Collaborative Mentorship Program.